
Central University of Ecuador (Universidad Central del Ecuador), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Postal Code: 170521
Quito / Ecuador
Phone: + 59322556885

ISSN (online): 2477-8850 / ISSN (print): 1390-8928

DOI: 10.29166/siembra


Central University of Ecuador (Universidad Central del Ecuador)

  • Rector: Dr. Patricio Espinosa del Pozo, Ph. D.
  • Vice-Rector for Academic and Postgraduate Studies: Dra. Julieta Logroño, Ph. D.
  • Vice-Rector for Research, Doctorates and Innovation: Dra. Katherine Zurita Solís, Ph. D.
  • Vice-Rector for Administration and Finances: Dr. Silvio Toscano, Ph. D.

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

  • Dean: Carlos Lenin Montúfar Delgado, M.Sc.
  • Vice-Dean: Enrique A. Cabanilla Vásconez, Ph.D.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock

  • Dean: Javier Vargas E. M.Sc.
  • Vice-Dean: Richard Salazar S. M.Sc.

Faculty of  Biological Science

  • Dean: Mauricio Gorky Gómez Díaz, M.Sc.
  • Vice-Dean: Jenny Morillo, Ph.D.

Aim and Scope

Siembra is the official scientific diffusion tool of Central University of Ecuador’s (UCE) ‘Life Sciences’ Area. It publishes every six months (two issues per year), the results of multidisciplinary scientific and technological research in the following fields:

  • Agricultural sciences including but not limited to plant production and health, agricultural engineering, soil sciences, entomology, forestry, agroforestry, agroindustry, food science and technology, agricultural economics, rural sociology, rural development, food systems, agroecology, regenerative agriculture, and agro-tourism.
  • Livestock sciences including but not limited to animal production, animal sciences, animal health and welfare, veterinary medicine, and public health.
  • Biological and environmental sciences including but not limited to ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning studies, natural resource management, ecosystem transitions, ecosystem services, ecological resilience, environment-society relations, climate change, land use in natural systems, geography and territory, and ecotourism.

Siembra is jointly edited by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, and the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Central University of Ecuador (UCE).

Unpublished articles are received, whether original or review articles, as well as bibliographic reviews and opinion articles. The articles published in Siembra are the result of an exhaustive selection process, which includes the Editorial Committee in first instance and peer review (double blind), carried out by national and international specialists.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to define the typology of the manuscript. Contributions to Siembra can be:

  • Original or Research Articles: These manuscripts present original results of research projects. The IMRD structure (Full Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions sections) is suggested. The recommended length is 10,000 words.
  • Review Articles: These manuscripts systematize and integrate the state of the field on a certain topic. Published or unpublished research can be included. Reviews cite at least 50 primary research articles, preferably current and directly related to the topic, highlighting the existing academic debate. The IMRD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions) is suggested. The recommended length is 10,000 words.

Other manuscript types published by Siembra are:

  • Case report: It presents cases with unusual, not previously reported aspects, or with particular situations, providing significant and original information that makes them publishable. Cases such as: a new disease, or pest in a specific context; the description of uncommon manifestations of known pathologies, or pests; the clarification of a disease’s, or pest’s mechanisms; the presentation of adverse, or beneficial side effects of a treatment, pest control, the management of sanitary problems, vaccination plans, as well as the consequences of the use of agricultural inputs; or particular technical and methodological experiences, among others, will be considered. Case reports respond to the following structure: Introduction, Presentation of the Case (with the necessary subsections, including results and their analysis), Discussion and Conclusions. The recommended length: between 1,500 and 4,000 words, excluding abstract, figures, tables and references.

  • Bibliographic reviews: These manuscripts report the analysis of a published text, highlighting its contributions on a certain topic, and/or presenting its content in a clear, organized and summarized manner. The information to be provided are: author/s, year of publication, title of the book in its original language, city of publication, publisher, total number of pages of the book. In the case of a book chapter, it is necessary to add the title of the chapter and the start and end pages. The recommended length is 5,000 words.
  • Editorials: Express opinions or positions on a specific, relevant, current and/or controversial topic. Editorials may be requested by the Editorial Board or evaluated directly by their members. The recommended length is 5,000 words. 

Dossier & Special Issues

The Dossier section includes original and review articles addressing a specific topic, which is treated in depth, and reflects different approaches to its analysis. The Editorial Committee of Siembra will receive or propose Dossier topics for each different issue. The topics may be proposed by academics and researchers with research experience in the proposed topic, whom, if the proposal is approved, will be responsible for the editorial management of the articles submitted, following Siembra's editorial and ethical policies. Siembra's Editorial Committee will evaluate the quality and relevance of the topic proposed, prior to the approval and dissemination of the corresponding call for papers.

Siembra may publish Special Issues as part of a Volume, which will be properly identified. The purpose of Special Issues is to disseminate and make visible research results (abstracts or articles) on specific topics resulting from both national and international congresses, seminars, or symposiums among others.

For Special Issues, the criteria for selection, evaluation and publication of research will be meet those established in Siembra's editorial policy, and will be approved by its Editorial Committee. In the case of article publication, the editorial management will be carried out through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), complying with the Guide for Authors of the journal. Siembra reserves the right not to publish research that is outside its Focus and Scope.

The editors of both, Dossier and Special Issues, will be academics and researchers with experience and trajectory on the specific topic issue. They will be responsible for the following:

  • State the importance and relevance of the topic in the Call for papers, and in the Editorial of the issue.
  • Invite potential authors to submit relevant articles.
  • Suggest 3 to 5 reviewers for each manuscript submitted.
  • Perform the editorial management of manuscripts through Siembra's OJS, complying with the planned schedule.
  • Ensure compliance with Siembra's editorial and ethical policies.

Publication Frequency

Siembra is published half-yearly (Issue 1: January-June and Issue 2: July-December) since 2019. The first article of each issue is published in January and July. Each number includes a minimum of 8 articles.

Special volumes are properly identified.

The estimated time for publishing is 12-14 weeks.

Publication modality

Siembra publishes in continuous flow since 2020. We are permanently open to receiving manuscripts.

Publication of articles

Siembra DOES NOT charge authors any fees for article submission, processing or publication.

Siembra NO apply Article Processing Charge - Non-APC.