Effect of supplementation in grazing cows on production, efficiency of use and cost benefit ratio
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Pastures are the main feeding source for ruminants supplemented with cereals. However, cereals are expensive in countries where surpluses are not produced, which could reduce the profitability of the dairy business. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of supplementation in grazing cows, on milk production, the efficiency of use, interaction with grass biomass, and cost-benefit ratio. A Latin square design with four animals and four treat-ments were used. The treatments to be evaluated were determined from the ratio between liters of milk and Kg. of concentrate. The proposed relationships were 2,5, 5,0, 7,5, and 10,0. It was determined that milk production (L /cow/day) increases when increasing the ration. The concentrated interaction and biomass (kg / MS) determined that with low production of biomass in pastures under <1.564 kg DM / hect. it becomes more evident the need for balance by the cows to maintain their production. If pastures have between 2.330- 1.564 kg DM / hect. the balancing amounts to be used are lower; but if pastures have> 2.330 kg DM / hect. the amount of balance that an animal should receive loses significance. The efficiency of the use of the balance in milk production has a decreasing behavior, that is, the greater the amount of supplement, the lower efficiency in milk production. The cost-benefit ratio is better when less supplement is used and decreases when the supplement amounts increase.
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