Analysis of the visitors´ demand who searched the idiomatic tourism in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador in 2015

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Cristina Eulalia Campoverde Urgilés
María Inés Landi Pauta


In recent years, in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, the demand of foreigners who come to the city to conduct studies of the Spanish language has increased. These foreigners are known as idiomatic tourists. They have specific characteristics that differentiate them from the other tourists for their time to stay, accommodation, interest in the culture of the site to be studied, complementary attractions. Due to the growing demand for idiomatic tourists in the city, the profile of these people was determined by a socio-demographic, motivational, preferences, trends and stationed analysis through surveys, which were carried out in the educational centers of the city of Cuenca: Amauta Spanish School, Estudio Sampere, CEDEI (Center for Ibero-American Studies), Simón Bolivar Spanish School, Yanapuma Spanish School and in the Spanish program for foreigners managed by the Language Institute of the Universidad de Cuenca. We applied 299 surveys and the type of accommodation, the stationer, the attractions of the city, the cost involved in carrying out the activity, and the specific form in which the tourists researched about Cuenca destination were determined.


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How to Cite
Campoverde Urgilés, C. E., & Landi Pauta, M. I. (2019). Analysis of the visitors´ demand who searched the idiomatic tourism in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador in 2015. Siembra, 6(1), 032–038.


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