Assessment of quality and technological efficiency in gouda semi-hard cheese production
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The quality and indicators of technological efficiency of the production of Gouda semi-hard cheese in the Sibanicú Cheese Factory are evaluated, for the determination of the best operational conditions that allow for adequate conservation. The chemical-physical characteristics of milk, whey and cheeses are determined at the press exit and at the end of ripening. Performance, component utilization and waste are determined as indicators of technological efficiency. A sensory evaluation is performed at 20, 30 and 40 days of maturation. Milk has an acceptable chemical-physical quality due to a lower than normal content of non-fatty solids. The cheeses meet the established technological parameters, the highest qualification is reached after 30 days of ripening, obtaining good yields. The consumption rates are lower than those of Patagrás cheese and the losses are equivalent to reference values.
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