Agrobiodiversity of native potato in the Tungurahua province
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In the present research the potato (Solanum spp.) native diversity was diagnosed in six communities of the province of Tungurahua. The methodology used was focal group and seven focal groups (women, community leaders and young people) were organized, in which eight to 10 persons participated. Thirty-two potato varieties were identified in the six communities, from which 14 were introduced improved varieties and 18 local native varieties. The varieties continue to be maintained in the communities by seed recycling. The diversity of varieties is maintained by the conservation methods, the uses and the destination of the production. Seed recycling is the most common way to maintain the diversity of seeds stored in bags and piles. The main use of the diversity of native potatoes is human consumption preparing local dishes. Most of potato production is commercialized in local markets and to a lesser extent production is used for seeds, exchange with neighbors, self-consumption at household and animal consumption.
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