Theoretical approximation to matter of tourism study

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Aníbal Fuentes Moreno


Knowledge construction of tourism has been the subject of several basic researchers who are recognized as pioneers of the theory of tourism such as Morgenstern, Erenspergel, Glücksmann, Borman, Troisi, Guyer-Freuler, besides the notorious Stradner turismólogos Hunzinker and Krapf, who proposed to the 1942 General Doctrine of Tourism (DGT) under a discipline of economic and sociological approach, which emphasized that the 50 visitors were motivated by their love of cultural heritage especially in Europe. Much of the study in the 50’s and 60’s were limited to the study of variables in demand and tastes, purchasing and entertainment preferences, reinforced by a growing interest in the techniques of promotion, advertising and marketing, which would be the birth of marketing (marketing). Contemporaries as Luis Fernandez Fuster, Manuel Ortuño Martinez, Manuel Ramirez White or Oscar Padilla Torre, among others, have influenced noting that tourism has a science that originates by the theory developed on this phenomenon and practice. In the 80 Fernandez Fuster begin a post wondering: Is tourism a science?, causing no little disagreement that for that time where science began their specialization and refinement, the approach to the question would become a matter of prestige, adding that such a phenomenon has until today, a number of knowledge of its own, enough to be able to claim the status of scientific specialization. However, 21st century academic discussions about whether contourism is a science or not, are the order of the day among researchers, academics, educators and public and private agencies. In this sense, the question, Is tourism a science? becomes viral in curricular redesign processes aimed at changing production matrix in Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Fuentes Moreno, A. (2016). Theoretical approximation to matter of tourism study. Siembra, 3(1), 105–110.
Author Biography

Aníbal Fuentes Moreno, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas. Jerónimo Leiton y Av. La Gasca s/n. Ciudadela Universitaria.
Quito. 170521. Ecuador