Use of Facebook in the promotion of luxury category hotels in Manta in time of COVID-19
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The COVID-19 pandemic has aggressively hit the business sector worldwide and has caused social distancing, forcing companies to promote the use of social networks as a survival strategy. This research evaluates the use of Facebook for tourism promotion of luxury hotels in the city of Manta during the pandemic. To collect the information, a review of the interaction between the hotels and the users of this social network was carried out through the Presence, Response, Generation and Suggestion (PRGS) model based on the data obtained through the Fanpage Karma platform. The level of engagement by the followers was evaluated and a qualitative analysis of the comments posted during the pandemic was carried out using the Atlas.Ti v.9 software. 9 codes were identified related to: contest, live, labeling and interaction between users, service offer, opinion about the hotel and its services, opinion about the city, greetings and thanks, request for information, and directly linked to the pandemic. It was concluded that the level of engagement of followers of Manta's luxury category hotels in the social network Facebook is below acceptable levels.
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