Evaluation of color fastness in wool and alpaca fabric dyed with biocolorants extracted from plants and animals

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Cecilia Palacios-Ochoa
María Elisa Guillén Serrano
David Siddons


This research evaluated the color fastness of natural dyes extracted from native plants and animals in the province of Azuay, southern Ecuador, on knitted fabrics made from wool and alpaca yarns. Native plants dye was made from: Lomatia hirsute (garau), Baccharis latifolia (chilca), Junglas neotrópica (nogal) Brachyotum confertum (killuyuyo) while an animal-based dye was also extracted from Dactilopius coccus (cochinilla). Traditional ancestral methods of dyeing the yarn were used. Samples of knitted fabric were prepared to perform the tests of color fastness with artificial light, manual washing with neutral and alkaline soap, and a wet and dry rub test. The evaluation of the color loss of the fabrics was made by means of a colorimeter, the color was measured before and after the tests and the total color difference (ΔE) was calculated. A greater color variation was found in the washing treatment of the samples with alkaline soap (highest value = 32) and a minimum color difference in the other tests (mean = 1.4). In correlation with the grayscale, these results suggest an ideal rating. Which demonstrates that the color of the fabrics when using garau, chilca, nogal, killuyuyo and cochinilla is stable to most of factors tested. These results are important because they serve as a baseline for the application of further processes to obtain greater color resistance in clothing made with yarn dyed with biocolorants.


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How to Cite
Palacios-Ochoa, C., Guillén Serrano, M. E. ., & Siddons, D. . (2021). Evaluation of color fastness in wool and alpaca fabric dyed with biocolorants extracted from plants and animals. Siembra, 8(2), e2917. https://doi.org/10.29166/siembra.v8i2.2917
Original article
Author Biographies

Cecilia Palacios-Ochoa, Universidad del Azuay, Facultad de Diseño Arquitectura y Arte, Carrera de Diseño Textil e Indumentaria. Apdo. 982. Cuenca, Ecuador


María Elisa Guillén Serrano, Universidad del Azuay, Facultad de Diseño Arquitectura y Arte, Carrera de Diseño Textil e Indumentaria. Apdo. 982. Cuenca, Ecuador


David Siddons, Universidad del Azuay, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Carrera Biología Ecología y Gestión. Apdo. 982. Cuenca, Ecuador. Ecuador



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