Computer vision techniques to determine the health status in broccoli plantations

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Darwin Caina
René Carillo
Marcelo Carrillo


The demand for broccoli has increased significantly in the last years due to the benefits of its consumption for human health. This poses new challenges for producers, who increasingly rely on technology to improve production processes, increase yields and thereby meet the current demand. One of the technology fields that has gained interest in crop production the use of Computer Vision models, which can provide support and assistance in food production. This paper proposes an algorithm based on color detection of broccoli, which, at the macro level can identify phytosanitary problems in broccoli plantations; and, at the micro level can be used to identify the product that is suitable for consumption. The algorithm uses open source tools such as OpenCV and Python, so that it can be developed at low cost with results similar or better than those obtained with commercial softwares.


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How to Cite
Caina, D., Carillo, R., & Carrillo, M. (2017). Computer vision techniques to determine the health status in broccoli plantations. Siembra, 4(1), 51–58.
Artículos originales. Agronomía
Author Biographies

Darwin Caina, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática. Alejandro Valdez y Av. La Gasca s/n. Ciudadela Universitaria, 17052, Quito, Ecuador

René Carillo, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática. Alejandro Valdez y Av. La Gasca s/n. Ciudadela Universitaria, 17052, Quito, Ecuador

Marcelo Carrillo, Laboratorios Siegfried S.A., Departamento de Calidad y Logística.

Departamento de Calidad y Logística. Av. República del Salvador N34-493 y Portugal, Quito, Ecuador


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