Evaluation of alternative rooting agents on root growth of wasp flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) cuttings under nursery conditions

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Cristhian Georgina Benavides Gómez
Julissa Edith Rugama Picado
Isaías Ezequiel Sánchez Gómez
Eliezer Hazael Lanuza Rodríguez
Marcos Antonio Jiménez Campos


The use of alternative tree and shrub species such as Hibiscus rosa sinensis L, for feeding ruminants, can provide high amounts of feed biomass and high protein content. The most commonly used propagation methods for the production of seedlings of this species are by grafting, layering and cuttings, with the latter method standing out, because it allows obtaining a greater number of seedlings per branch in less time. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of alternative rooting agents on wasp flower (H. rosa-sinensis L.) cuttings, under nursery conditions. Five rooting agents were evaluated consisting of Aloe vera, cinnamon, Aloe + molasses + egg (A+M+E), Moringa oleífera and the antagonistic fungus Trichoderma sp, plus a control consisting of the addition of water. The variables evaluated were number of roots per plant, root length, number of regrowths, fresh root weight per plant, dry root weight per plant, root biomass and survival percentage. The data were organized in a Microsoft Excel 2013 spreadsheet, then analyzed in the statistical program InfoStat 2020. The treatment with Trichoderma sp favors the vegetative growth of H. rosa-sinensis, followed by the A+M+E, Moringa and cinnamon treatments. The treatments with the highest percentage of survival were Moringa, cinnamon, Aloe, and Trichoderma sp, considered as excellent, while the A+M+H and control treatments were considered good.


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How to Cite
Benavides Gómez, C. G., Rugama Picado, J. E., Sánchez Gómez, I. . E., Lanuza Rodríguez, E. H., & Jiménez Campos, M. A. (2024). Evaluation of alternative rooting agents on root growth of wasp flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) cuttings under nursery conditions. Siembra, 11(1), e5180 . https://doi.org/10.29166/siembra.v11i1.5180
Original article
Author Biographies

Cristhian Georgina Benavides Gómez, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Ciencia Animal. km 12½ Carretera Norte. Apdo. 453. Managua, Nicaragua


Julissa Edith Rugama Picado, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Ciencia Animal. km 12½ Carretera Norte. Apdo. 453. Managua, Nicaragua


Isaías Ezequiel Sánchez Gómez, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Agronomía. km 12½ Carretera Norte. Apdo. 453. Managua, Nicaragua


Eliezer Hazael Lanuza Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Agronomía. km 12½ Carretera Norte. Apdo. 453. Managua, Nicaragua


Marcos Antonio Jiménez Campos, Universidad Nacional Agraria, Facultad de Ciencia Animal. km 12½ Carretera Norte. Apdo. 453. Managua, Nicaragua



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