Evaluation of productive variables and intestinal integrity in Ross 308 AP male breeders, through the application of oregano oil (Origanum vulgare L.) in the drinking water during the breeding stage
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Oregano oil has established itself as a favorable alternative in poultry farms, due to its antibacterial and immunostimulant benefits, among others. Therefore, the objective of the research was to evaluate the productive variables and intestinal integrity in in male Ross 308 AP breeders, by applying oregano oil in the drinking water. We worked under a completely randomized design, with four treatments (T0 = 0 ml L-1, T1 = 0,05 ml L-1; T2=0,125 ml L-1 y T3 = 0,25 ml L-1) and four replicates, the study variables were; in productive variables; a) mortality, b) weight gain, c) feed conversion, and d) tarsus length, and intestinal integrity; a) villus length, b) villus width, c) crypt width, d) crypt depth, e) width between villus, and f) width between crypts. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance, coefficient of variation, Tukey test and Pearson's correlation. In the results, a significant difference was confirmed among all treatments (P-value = < 0.05), in turn, the 0.25 ml L-1 dose provided the best results in weight gain (141,88 g), feed conversion (1,91) and tarsus length (3,45 cm day-1); however, in intestinal integrity, only the 0.125 and 0.25 ml L-1 doses promoted an increase in the length of the villi, (0,97 cm day-1 in both cases). The conclusion is that is beneficial in the productive variables, while, in intestinal integrity, only the highest doses generate positive effects on the length of the villi.
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