Effects of COVID-19 on pea farmers, a case study in the department of Nariño, Colombia
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on food security worldwide. Colombian farmers were adversely affected by prolonged periods of lockdown, disruptions in the agricultural supply chain, increased poverty levels, and heightened socioeconomic uncertainty. The objective of this study is to evaluate the perceptions of pea producers with regard to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, and ex-ante (2019) and ex-post (2020-2022) diagnostic analysis was conducted in the south of Nariño. We carried out semi-structured interviews with 35 farmers, four key informants, and three focus groups. A sentiment analysis (text mining) was conducted to process sensitive information on environmental, economic, and intrinsic aspects of the productive system. The results revealed that participants maintained constant levels of happiness and confidence across the two-time periods. However, in the period subsequent to the pandemic, higher levels of anger and sadness were reported, attributed to effects of the pandemic itself and the inherent challenges associated with pea cultivation. The implementation of confinement measures resulted in an increase in feelings of uncertainty and sadness, in addition too the emergence of challenges in fieldwork context. Moreover, the increased production costs were attributed to the greater demand for agricultural inputs and labour in 2020. However, in 2022, the increased the price paid per kilogram of pea grains helped mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic. The study concludes that the econ economic uncertainty introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic affected crop profitability. Nevertheless, small-scale farmers exhibited remarkable resilience and adaptability, allowing them to persist in growing and selling their pea harvest.
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