Fungi associated with banana crops (Musa spp.) with biotechnological potential for the development of inoculants

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Betty Peregrina Acaro Reyes
Stefania Cevallos


Bananas are the most widely consumed tropical fruit worldwide. Its production is an important source of economic income in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Recently, banana crops have been affected by the attack of overly aggressive pathogens such as Fusarium oxysporum and Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Chemical control is a widely used strategy, which has led to the excessive use of agrochemicals in banana production. There is great concern worldwide about the state of banana crops, which makes environmentally friendly alternatives necessary to cope with the actual threats. Ecuador is one of the main banana producers in the world, so it is essential to innovate production systems by implementing biologically sustainable alternatives to minimize environmental impacts and warranty productivity. This review aims to consolidate key information on banana-associated fungi, including isolation and introduction techniques of endophytic fungi. Finally, relevant research on biotechnological strategies based on endophytic and mycorrhizal fungi to improve banana production is included. We expect this review will provide insights into experimental investigations in the design of fungal inoculants.


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How to Cite
Acaro Reyes, B. P., & Cevallos, S. (2025). Fungi associated with banana crops (Musa spp.) with biotechnological potential for the development of inoculants. Siembra, 12(1), e7053.
Dossier: Banana Production, Challenges, and Opportunities
Author Biographies

Betty Peregrina Acaro Reyes, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Facultad de Bioquímica y Farmacia. San Cayetano s/n, 1101608. Loja, Ecuador

Stefania Cevallos, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. San Cayetano s/n, 1101608. Loja, Ecuador


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