Editorial Process

Siembra uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) as its editorial management system, developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). All manuscripts to be considered for publication must be submitted through this system.

Manuscripts should be submitted fulfilling the issues stated at the "Guide for Authors", The reception of manuscripts does not imply in any way a commitment of publication by the journal. Authors are responsible for including complete and correct information about the manuscript and its authors in the Metadata section.

Authors must include their ORCID iDs to encourage standardized criteria for authorship. If you do not have this iD, you can obtain it free of charge at: https://orcid.org/register 

Initially, the manuscripts will be received by a member of the Editorial Board, who will review manuscripts complies with the aim and scope of Siembra, as well as the journal's guidelines and the minimum quality criteria in terms of writing and content. This review will verify the level of originality by using specialized software (COMPILATIO, URKUND, Unicheck) and existing digital resources for this purpose.

If the manuscript complies with general conditions, it will be sent, in the second instance, to external reviewers, national and international, who will review it according to criteria of relevance, currency and importance, quality, clarity of expression and organization, and originality of the data included in the manuscript. The reviewers will recommend its:

  • Rejection
  • Major revisions
  • Publication with minor revisions
  • Publication without review

The authors will receive the reports of the scientific reviews anonymously. Once the manuscripts with corrections are received, they will be reviewed again by the external reviewers. We recommend to the authors the submission of their comments to the reviewers along with the revised manuscript, indicating the changes made and/or the aspects they consider not relevant to the observations made by the reviewers.

Siembra reserves the right to make style corrections and editorial changes that will be appropriate to improve the manuscript.

After the acceptance of the manuscript, the text will be formatted and a galley proof in PDF format will be sent to the authors for correction of typography and spelling only.



Ethical Issues & Code of Ethics

Authors are responsible for checking compliance with Siembra's ethical aspects and code of ethics.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to define the typology of the manuscript. Contributions to Siembra can be:

  • Original or Research Articles: These manuscripts present original results of research projects. The IMRD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions sections) is suggested. The recommended length is 10,000 words.
  • Review Articles: These manuscripts systematize and integrate the state of the field on a certain topic. Published or unpublished research can be included. Reviews cite at least 50 primary research articles, preferably current and directly related to the topic, highlighting the existing academic debate. The IMRD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions) is suggested. The recommended length is 10,000 words.

Other manuscript types published by Siembra are:

  • Case report: It presents cases with unusual, not previously reported aspects, or with particular situations, providing significant and original information that makes them publishable. Cases such as: a new disease, or pest in a specific context; the description of uncommon manifestations of known pathologies, or pests; the clarification of a disease’s, or pest’s mechanisms; the presentation of adverse, or beneficial side effects of a treatment, pest control, the management of sanitary problems, vaccination plans, as well as the consequences of the use of agricultural inputs; or particular technical and methodological experiences, among others, will be considered. Case reports respond to the following structure: Introduction, Presentation of the Case (with the necessary subsections, including results and their analysis), Discussion and Conclusions. The recommended length: between 1,500 and 4,000 words, excluding abstract, figures, tables and references.

    Bibliographic reviews: These manuscripts report the analysis of a published text, highlighting its contributions on a certain topic, and/or presenting its content in a clear, organized and summarized manner. The information to be provided are: author/s, year of publication, title of the book in its original language, city of publication, publisher, and total number of pages of the book. In the case of a book chapter, it is necessary to add the title of the chapter and the start and end pages. The recommended length is 5,000 words.
  • Editorials: Express opinions or positions on a specific, relevant, current and/or controversial topic. Editorials may be requested by the Editorial Board or evaluated directly by their members. The recommended length is 5,000 words.


Manuscript submissions

The entire document must contain page (in the down right corner) and line numbers in order to facilitate the review process.

a) Title page (Template)

The following information should be included in a separate document in the manuscript:

  • The title of the manuscript in Spanish and English
  • A list of the authors' full names (without ranks or academic degrees), and their full affiliations (Institution, Address, Zip Code, City, Country).4
  • It is MANDATORY for authors to include their ORCID identification code to encourage standardization of authorship. If you do not have it, you can obtain it free of charge at: https://orcid.org/register 
  • The corresponding author's full name and contact information (e-mail).
  • Contributor roles according to CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) by CASRAI.

In addition, the Authorship Declaration, Conflict of Interest and Ethical Declaration Form must be filled out, stating:

  • The approval of all authors of the manuscript and the non-submission of the manuscript to another journal or publishing venue.
  • Potential financial or non-financial conflicts.
  • La presencia o ausencia de conflicto de interés, tanto financiero como no financiero.
  • Compliance with applicable regulations related to ethics in research involving Human Subjects and/or vertebrate animals.

b) Article structure (Template)

Manuscripts should not exceed 10.000 words, including references, tables and figures.

Manuscripts should follow the structure below:

- Title of the manuscript: in Spanish and English

- Abstract: It should briefly describe the objective’s research, its main findings and conclusions.

  • The abstract should be easily understandable to all readers, even non-specialists, and should not exceed 250 words. It should not include bibliographic citations or acronyms.

- Keywords: It should reflect the precise content of the manuscript and should not include the title’s words.

  • Three-Five keywords should be included.
  1. Introduction: It should:
  • reflect the research problem and the context of the research (theoretical framework);
  • justify the research by emphasizing its reasons; and,
  • state the objectives and the hypotheses if it applied.
  • This section should end with a brief statement of what was achieved through the research.
  1. Materials and Methods: This section should begin with a description of the study area.
  • The materials and methods used during the experimental or field/laboratory phase of the research are briefly explained.
  • The materials used and their use are included in the text. It should not be created as a list of materials!
  1. Results: You may choose to write these sections separately, or combine them into a single section (Results and Discussion).
  • This section should use Tables and Figures to explain the results.
  • Tables and Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals and cited in the text.
  1. Discussion: In the Discussion section the authors should emphasize the importance of the results, setting them in the context of previous research.
  • This section should conclude with a clear and convincing explanation of the results from the perspective of their practical use.
  1. Conclusions: Specific contributions to knowledge must be indicated in a definitive, summarized and accurate manner, supported by demonstrable and verifiable research results.
  • Conclusions should be limited to the results obtained and should not present arguments based on assumptions or conjecture.

References: Citations and references should follow the APA 7th edition citation format.


Example of references


de la Torre, L., Navarrete, H., Muriel, P., Macía, M., & Balslev, H. (2008). Enciclopedia de las plantas útiles del Ecuador (1a ed.). Aarhus.

Ricke, S. C., Atungulu, G. G., Si, C. E. R., & Park, H. (2018). Food and Feed Safety Systems and Analysis Edited byFood and Feed Safety Systems and Analysis. Academic Press Books - Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/779/1/11

Sundström, S. (2003). El ecoturismo como instrumento para desarrollo sostenible: Un estudio comparativo de campo entre Suecia y Ecuador. Institutionen för Kultur och kommunikation.

Book chapters

O’Bryan, C. A., Crandall, P. G., & Ricke, S. C. (2017). Antimicrobial Resistance in Foodborne Pathogens. In Food and Feed Safety Systems and Analysis (pp. 99–115). Academic Press Books - Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811835-1.00006-3

Sloan, P. (2009). Sustainable Development in the Hospitality Industry. In Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry (pp. 1–12). Elsevier Inc. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-7506-7968-8.00001-6

Piñero, D., Caballero-Mellado, J., Cabrera-Toledo, D., Canteros, C., Casas, A., Castañeda, A., Castillo, A., Cerritos, R., Chassin-Noria, O., Colunga-García, N., Delgado, P., Díaz-Jaimes, P., Eguiarte L., Escalante, A., Espinoza, B., Fleury, A., Flores, S., Fragoso, G., González-Astorga, J., Islas, V., Martínez, E., Martínez, F., Martínez-Castillo, J., Mastretta, A., Medellín, R., Medrano-González, L., Molina-Freaner, F., Morales, B., Murguía, A., Vega, A., Payró, E., Reyes-Montes, M., Robles, M., Rodríguez-Arellanes, G., Rojas, L., Romero-Martínez, R., Sahaza-Cardona, J., Salas, R., Sciutto, E., Scott, C., Schramm, Y., Silva, C., Souza, V., Taylor, M., Urbán, J., Uribe-Alcócer, M., Vázquez, M., Vázquez-Domínguez, E., Vovides, A., Wegier, A., Zaldívar, A., & Zúñiga, G. (2008). La diversidad genética como instrumento de la conservación y el aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad: estudios en especies mexicanas. En Capital natural de México, vol. I: Conocimiento actual de la biodiversidad (pp. 437-494). CONABIO.

Gutiérrez Villalpando, Martínez Corona, B., & Salvatierra Izaba, B. (2019). Género y Vulnerabilidad del agua ante la variabilidad climática en la Sierra Nevada de Puebla. En D. A. Fabre Platas, I. Ortiz Sánchez, & G. Busso (Coords.), Agua: Territorialidades y dimensionalidades de análisis (pp. 463-483). Serie Mano Vuelta. Editorial Resistencia SA de CV


Meyer, S. T., Heuss, L., Feldhaar, H., Weisser, W. W., & Gossner, M. M. (2019). Land-use components, abundance of predatory arthropods, and vegetation height affect predation rates in grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment270271, 84–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2018.10.015

Orgaz-Agüera, F., & Cañero Morales, P. (2017). Ecoturismo y desarrollo sostenible. Un estudio de caso en comunidades rurales de República Dominicana. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(6), 1425-1435. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2015.13.099

Vallverdú-Queralt, A., Raquiero, J., Martínez-Huelamo, M., Rinaldi, J., Leal, L., & Lamuela-Raventos, R. (2014). A comprehensive study on the phenolic profile of widely used culinary herbs and spices: rosemary, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, cumin and bay. Food Chemistry, 154(1), 299-307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.12.106

Hernández Pardo, P. (2011). Ecoturismo en Ecuador: El caso del Oglán alto. ECA Sinergia, 2(1), 9-17.

Mora Pisco, C. I., Montilla Pacheco, A. J. & Mora Pisco, L. L. (2019). Perspectivas y potencialidades del cantón Manta para la implementación de un plan de marketing turístico. TURyDES, 12(26), https://www.eumed.net/rev/turydes/26/marketing-turistico-manta.html


Zavala-Nigoa, J., Loarca-Piña, G., & García-García, T. (2010). Evaluación del contenido fenólico, capacidad antioxidante y actividad citotóxica sobre células caco-2 del extracto acuoso de orégano (Lippia graveolens KUNT). In 2.º Congreso Nacional de Química Médica. Querétaro.

Prado, O., Morales, E., & Macedo, R. (2010). Factores de riesgo relacionados con tiempo de retiro de agua y alimento, captura, transporte y espera sobre la mortalidad de pollos. En Memorias de la Tercera Reunión Anual de la Asociación de Especialistas en Ciencias Avícolas del Centro de México A.C. (pp. 86-92). Asociación de Especialistas en Ciencias Avícolas del Centro de México A.C.


Rojas Landacay, D. E., & González, C. de L. Á. (2011). Propuesta de adecuación y señalización del sendero turístico intervalles de las parroquias surorientales de Malacatos, San Pedro de Vilcabamba y Vilcabamba del cantón Loja, provincia de Loja. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

Bonilla Villota, S. X. (2018). Efecto del 1-Metilciclopropeno en la inhibición del etileno en la maduración de Chirimoya (Annona cherimola Mill). Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Data base

Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos [INEC]. (2010). Censo de Población y Vivienda. Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos

Technical Report

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente [PNUMA] & Organización Mundial del Turismo [OMT]. (2006). Por un turismo más sostenible. Guía para responsables políticos (CEDEX). PNUE DTIE. https://doi.org/10.18111/9789284411894

Escobar Manosalvas, J. (2018). Guía de capacitación para agricultores familiares dedicados a la producción lechera. Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA).

Bustamante, M. (2007). Política de reinversión para el complejo termal de la comunidad de Oyacachi en la Reserva Ecológica Cayambe CocaPrograma Parques en peligro. Ecociencia, Fundación Ecológica Rumicocha, Ministerio del Ambiente, Fundación Antisana, The Nature Conservancy, & USAID.


Ley de Gestión Ambiental del Ecuador. Ley Nro.99-37, 38. Registro Oficial No. 245 14. 30 de julio de 1999.

Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-161-SEMARNAT-2011, Que establece los criterios para clasificar a los Residuos de Manejo Especial y determinar cuáles están sujetos a Plan de Manejo; el listado de los mismos, el procedimiento para la inclusión o exclusión a dicho listado; así como los elementos y procedimientos para la formulación de los planes de manejo. 23 de noviembre de 2012 (México). http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5286505&fecha=01/02/2013

Web page

Ministerio de Turismo [MINTUR]. (2015). Movimientos Internacionales - Portal Servicios MINTUR.  http://servicios.turismo.gob.ec/index.php/turismo-cifras/2018-09-19-17-01-51/movimientos-internacionales

Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. (2018). Redes Comerciales.  https://www.agricultura.gob.ec/redes-comerciales/

Burgueño, E. (2020). Países con el mayor número de usuarios de Facebook en América Latina en abril de 2020. https://es.statista.com/estadisticas/1173450/paises-mayor-cantidad-usuarios-facebook-america-latina/


Duarte, F. (9 de septiembre de 2019). Los países en los que la gente pasa más tiempo en las redes sociales (y los líderes en América Latina). BBC Mundo. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-49634612https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-49634612

El Comercio. (14 de julio de 2020). 630 hoteles del Ecuador permanecen cerrados; algunos administradores analizan la suspensión definitiva. El Comercio. https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/hoteles-ecuador-cerrados-pandemia-coronavirus.html


Tables & Figures


  • Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
  • Each heading should be brief and explain the content of the Table. Each heading must be in spanish and english.


  • All illustrations including maps, diagrams, and photographs fall into the category of Figures and are cited consecutively in the text with Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.).
  • All figures must be in black and white or greyscale. Authors are recommended to upload the Figures in JPG or TIFF format, 300 dpi, as separate files.
  • Each heading must be in spanish and english.