Manuscripts submitted will be subject to a double-blind review process. Manuscripts must fulfill the issues stated at the "Guide for Authors", The reception of manuscripts does not imply in any way a commitment of publication by the journal.

Initially, the manuscripts will be received by a member of the Editorial Board, who will review manuscripts complies with the aim and scope of Siembra, as well as the journal's guidelines and the minimum quality criteria in terms of writing and content. This review will verify the level of originality by using specialized software (COMPILATIO, URKUND, Unicheck) and existing digital resources for this purpose.

If the manuscript complies with general conditions, it will be sent, in the second instance, to external reviewers, national and international, who will review it according to criteria of relevance, currency and importance, quality, clarity of expression and organization, and originality of the data included in the manuscript. The reviewers' database is composed of researchers of well-known prestige in their area of knowledge, who accredit it through previous publications and their participation in research projects.

The review form covers the following aspects:

  • Topical relevance (recurrent or frontier) and contribution to the area of knowledge
  • Correspondence between the title and the abstract with the content of the manuscript
  • Structure of the text (organization and linkage)
  • Sufficient domain of the literature on the subject
  • Content of the manuscript (conceptual and methodological rigour)
  • Writing (quality, style and clarity)
  • Corrections required for publication

Reviewers may attach documents to their review, and will recommend its:

  • Rejection
  • Major revisions
  • Publication with minor revisions
  • Publication without review

The authors will receive the reports of the scientific reviews anonymously. Once the manuscripts with corrections are received, they will be reviewed again by the external reviewers. In the event of a dispute in the opinion of the peer-reviewers, it will be resolved by requesting a new evaluation by another reviewer.

The estimated time for the reviews is 4 weeks, always depending on the availability of the reviewers and the delivery time of the reviews.

The reviewers will follow the "COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers" (COPE, 2017), in order to comply with ethical aspects of the peer-review process.

Reviewers may decline the invitation to review a manuscript if they believe that a personal or professional conflict of interest may exist.

At least two reviewers will be considered for a final decision on publication by the Editorial Board.

Siembra reserves the right to reject a manuscript if the authors have not responded or sent the corrected manuscript within six (6) months from the date of sending the reviewers' observations and comments.

Siembra reserves the right to make style corrections and editorial changes that will be appropriate to improve the manuscript.

After the acceptance of the manuscript, the text will be formatted and a galley proof in PDF format will be sent to the authors for correction of typography and spelling only.