Antimicrobial effect of photodynamic therapy versus laser therapy on Porphyromone gingivalis: In vitro study


  • Daniela Carolina Gordillo Caizaluisa Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • David Montero López Universidad Central del Ecuador



Methylene blue, Periodontics, Chronic Periodontitis, photosensitive agents


 At present there are different applications of the laser in Dentistry; This Therapy is based on the emission of luminous ener­gy with different wavelengths. Depending on the procedure performed, they generate physical and chemical effects that produce biological and therapeutic responses such as wound healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as inhibiting the progression of gingivitis and periodontitis. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Laser Therapy on colonies of Porphyromona Gingivalis (Pg). Materials and Methods: Experimental study, in vitro. The sample consisted of 48 solutions of (Pg) that approx. contains 1000 colonies, were divided into 6 groups of 8 samples each being: G1: 0.05% Methylene blue AM + led light, G2: 0.1% AM + led light, G3: 0.05% AM + Laser, G4: 0.1% AM + Laser, G5 Laser Therapy (30 “) and G6: Laser Therapy (60”). The data obtained were statistically analyzed by the Mann Whitney U test with a level of significance of 5%. Results: The mean cfu values were 190.1, 187.8, 23.6, 13.1, 2.1 and 0.0 for G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6 respectively. obtained a Significance (p <0.001) that allowed us to infer that the antimicrobial capacity was different for the different protocols used. Conclusion: The PDT with laser and the use of the laser were more effective than the PDT with led light in the reduction of bacterial colonies (Pg).


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Author Biographies

Daniela Carolina Gordillo Caizaluisa, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Odontologa General

David Montero López, Universidad Central del Ecuador

PhD en formación, MSc en Rehabilitación oral e Implantología, Especialista en Implantología, Rehabilitación Oral, Docente Investigador


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How to Cite

Gordillo Caizaluisa, D. C., & Montero López, D. (2018). Antimicrobial effect of photodynamic therapy versus laser therapy on Porphyromone gingivalis: In vitro study. Odontología, 20(1), 20–32.



Scientific article