Analysis of Bacterial Transmissibility Through the count of CFU Of S. Mutans in Mother-Child


  • Susana Patricia González Eras Odontóloga Especialista en Odontopediatría Universidad Central del Ecuador, Docente de la Carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Gabriela Kruskaya Macao Minga Odontóloga Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Paola Mercedes Benítez Castrillón Doctora en Bioquímica Universidad Técnica de Machala, Docente Universidad Técnica de Machala


Microbiology, saliva, agar, pediatric dentistry


Objetive: To identify the mechanisms transmissibility of S. mutans in mother-child binomials, through a count of colonies forming units (CFU). Materials and Methods: we assessed 45 couples mother-child belonging to the Centre of vaccination of The University Hospital of Motupe, which were divided into three groups: G1 (0-6 months); G2 (7-12 months); G3 (13-18 months). Obtained informed consent it was proceeded the collection of data, with the application of a survey to the mothers whose purpose was the assessment of the mechanisms of microbial transmissibility more frequent, following this, the saliva sampling phase was carried out using the swab technique, which were seeded in Salivarius Agar and through a semi quantitative technique, proceeded to evaluate and related the level of S. mutans present in mother and child. The data were analysed statistically with the chi-square test with a significance level of 5%. Results: the bacterium was present in 93% of the children and 100% of the mothers. The highest level of S. mutans was presented in the group of 13 to 18 months with a 33.3%; in the analysis of transmissibility of the mother all presented a high percentage; However, the most frequent polluting habit was “kissing the hands of your child” (93%). The relationship between the level of S. mutans of mother and her child by age group did not show significant differences in any of the age groups (p> 0.05). When analyzing the association between the transmissibility habits of S. mutans in children, it was possible to show that there is an association with kissing in the mouth (p = 0.012). Conclusion: There is an association between the factors of transmissibility and the presence of s. Mutans in children.


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How to Cite

González Eras, S. P., Macao Minga, G. K., & Benítez Castrillón, P. M. (2018). Analysis of Bacterial Transmissibility Through the count of CFU Of S. Mutans in Mother-Child. Odontología, 19(1), 98–109. Retrieved from



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