Antibacterial effect of Procaine 2% with caffeine and of propolis 40% on strains of Enterococcus faecalis: in vitro study


  • Tatiana Galuth Barragán Chaguaro Egresado de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Roberto Xavier Romero Cazares PhD en Formación. Especialista. Docente investigador, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador


Phytotherapeutic agents, bacterial reduction, irrigant in endodontic


The use of phytotherapeutic agents in health areas has become increasingly important thanks to its antibacterial capabilities and considerable biocompatibility. Objective: to evaluate the antibacterial effect of procaine 2 % with caffeine and propolis 40 %, against Enterococcus faecalis strains, as an enhancer for irrigation in root canal treatment. Materials and methods: the sample consisted of 28 Petri dishes with a culture medium of lamb blood agar. Strains of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 were cultured in each dish. White Sensi discs soaked in the mentioned substances were added: G1 – Sodium Hypochlorite with a 5 % concentration positive control; G2 - G2: propolis 40%, G3: Procaine 2 % concentration and caffeine. G2: Propóleo 40%, G3: Procaine 2% with caffeine 0,25% (Impletol) and G4: Saline Solution control negativo. The samples were cultured in an anaerobic environment and were incubated at 35°C, the diameter of the bacterial inhibition area was measured after 48 hours. The data recollected were statistically analyzed with the Turkey Test with a significance level of 5%. Results: the value of the average of inhibition halos for each group was: (G1)21,54;(G2)10,18mm and 0,0mm for G3 and G4. There were statistically significant differences between the substances used with the sodium hypochlorite (p<0,05). Conclusions: the ptopolis is a adjuvant substance in the root canal treatment irrigation while the procaine with caffeine didvnot show any antibacterial effect on E. faecalis.


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How to Cite

Barragán Chaguaro, T. G., & Romero Cazares, R. X. (2018). Antibacterial effect of Procaine 2% with caffeine and of propolis 40% on strains of Enterococcus faecalis: in vitro study. Odontología, 19(1), 110–121. Retrieved from



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