Apical resorption associated with composite odontoma: case report
Compound odontoma, apical resorption, retrograde obturation, MTAAbstract
Nowadays, composite odontomas are considered to be tumors or hamartomas formed by structures similar to a normal teeth with the difference that its external form is anomalous, they are asymptomatic, frequently discovered accidentally during an X-ray exam, it doesn’t have predilection for any specific gender and appears during the second or third decades of life. We shall now introduce the case of an eighteen-year-old patient, attending the Odontology Faculty Clinic in UCE, carrying a panoramic radiograph which we have amplified for the clinic inspection and X-ray observing the presence of an odontoma between teeth Nº 11 and 21. Moreover, there is periapical desorption type 2 in tooth Nº21; we also observe some mobility among them. In surgery exeresis of the odontoma was performed, periapical edges regularization of tooth Nº21 and retrograde filling with MTA. Histopathological result confirms our diagnosis.
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