Rehabilitation of the upper maxilar with a superior hybrid in Peek clinical: case report




Dental implants, dental protesis, denture parcial fixed


We present a case of high complexity of assisted implant prosthesis replacing the metal by a semicrystalline linear polycyclic thermoplastic material such as polyetheretherketone PEEK that has been proposed for the manufacture of hybrids or protocols in implantology. This article summarizes the current research on the applications of PEEK in dental implants, especially for the improvement of the surface and body modifications of PEEK. This article is about a clinical case of a male patient who was treated as a superior protocol with PEEK structure and free metal crowns.


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Author Biographies

Samanta María Burneo Carrera, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Especialista en Implantología Oral Universidad Central del Ecuador Quito, Ecuador

Rosa Ana Chiluisa Muso, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Especialista en Rehabilitación del Alta Complejidad en prótesis implanto asistida, Docente de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Burneo Carrera, S. M., & Chiluisa Muso, R. A. (2021). Rehabilitation of the upper maxilar with a superior hybrid in Peek clinical: case report. Odontología, 23(2), e1578.