Margin microfiltration in cerometer incrustations type table top cemented with resin cements: self-recruitors, universal and thermoplastified resin
Dental inlays, marginal adaptation, dental filtration, resin cements, cementationAbstract
After the process of cementation of cerometer encrustations, microfiltration can occur in the tooth-restoration interface, the gap in the interface can be influenced by the characteristics of the cementing agent and the cementation process. Objective: To evaluate the microfiltration in inlays of ceramics type table top cemented with three different cements. Materials and methods: In 36 third molars divided into 3 groups (n = 12), standardized table top preparations were made and inlays made with CERAMAGE® (SHOFU, Japan) that were cemented with 3 different biomaterials, Group A: cement RelyX® U200 self-etch (3M). Group B: RelyX Ultimate® universal cement (3M, USA). Group C: thermoplastic resin at 55oC. Each sample was subjected to thermocycling (3300 cycles) and placed in a solution of methylene blue for 24 hours. For the analysis, a longitudinal cutting was made in the middle area in the meso-distal direction of the samples and the marginal microfiltration on the mesial and distal side was evaluated with the help of an Olympus stereo microscope. The results were stored in a database in Excel, then the experimental values were archived and coded using the BioEstat software (Brazil). The analysis was performed using the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test, with a significance of 95%. Results: The thermoplastic resin had the lowest values in the degree of microfiltration with an average of 0.4mm; with the universal cement the highest values were obtained with an average of 1.33mm, which was not significant in relation to the self-etched cement that had an average of 0.88mm. Conclusions: It was possible to determine that in table type restorations the degree of microfiltration was lower when they were cemented with thermoplasticized resin (p = <0.05) with a statistically significant difference with respect to the other cements. There was no difference in microfiltration between self-etched resin cements in relation to universal resin cement.
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