Guided bone regeneration in the treatment of radicular cyst: Case report
Radicular cyst, bone regeneration, mandibleAbstract
Radicular cysts are inflammatory odontogenic cysts, most of these lesions involve the apex of the injured tooth and appear as well-defined radiolucent images, the most frequent treatment is surgical and conservative, performing enucleation of the pathological tissue and curettage of the surgical bed, commonly the bone defect is considerable, guided bone regeneration being important. The case of a patient with a radicular cyst in the jaw is described, which was treated surgically and the bone defects after cystectomy were managed with guided bone regeneration, bone graft and fibrin-rich plasma, with satisfactory results in bone healing.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Laura Morillo Manchego, Vanessa Peralta Henao, María Vásquez Viana, Jaime Guzmán De Ávila, Jonathan Harris Ricardo
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