Evaluación y selección preoperatoria de niños bajo sedación en odontopediatría. Artículo de revisión





Sedación, Niñez Temprana, Ansiedad Dental,, Guías de Comportamiento


Sedation was first proposed in 1988, in the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) guidelines, to manage children's behavior and reduce their reaction to dental care. Each patient is selected following the "Physical Status Classification System" recommended by the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA). In addition, presurgical evaluation involves checking the primary body functions such as respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems, considering that the most common complications are due to anatomical variations between children and adults.  This bibliographical review aims to explain in depth the process of patient selection and the evaluation of their physical condition. A comprehensive digital search was done in both Spanish and English on sedation before dental care and pediatric behavioral guidelines. Databases such as PUBMED and SciELO were included; in addition, the recommendations of the ASA and AAPD were used as starting points. In conclusion, it is strongly stated and supported by the available data that a comprehensive review of each system helps the dentist to ensure high-quality dental treatment and to complete a successful sedation appointment.

Keywords: sedation, early childhood, dental anxiety, behavioral guidelines.


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Author Biographies

Maryuri Blanca Loaiza Merino, Universidad de Cuenca

Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

María Cristina Alvear Córdova, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Universidad Católica de Cuenca; Ecuador


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How to Cite

Loaiza Merino, M. B., & Alvear Córdova, M. C. (2023). Evaluación y selección preoperatoria de niños bajo sedación en odontopediatría. Artículo de revisión. Odontología, 25(1), 74–84. https://doi.org/10.29166/odontologia.vol25.n1.2023-e4197



Bibliographic review