Periodontal health and pregnancy; an approach to the reality of pregnant women in San Antonio de Ibarra




gingivitis, apical periodontitis, oral health, pregnant, Periodontal Disease


General Objective: To determine the periodontal health status of pregnant women between 18 and 38 years of age attending the San Antonio de Ibarra Health Center in the year 2023. Methodology: The population was 60 pregnant patients, the probabilistic sample comprised 55 pregnant women, who prior to signing the informed consent were examined under artificial light and universal protection barriers. The PSR was performed on all 6 with an OMS periodontal probe. Periodontal Health was considered as Code Zero, Code 1 and 2 corresponded to gingivitis and Code 4 Periodontitis.  Data were recorded at the 6 points per tooth (Distal, Middle and Mesial by vestibular or platinum/lingual and by sextant. The parametric statistical test ANOVA, chi-square test were applied Results: It was identified that 3.64% of pregnant women between 18 and 38 have periodontal health, 93% gingivitis and 3.46% periodontitis. In the third trimester of pregnancy the highest frequency of periodontal health was evidenced, due to the fact that pregnant women in this health center attend prenatal checkups and received permanent dental care to improve oral health. The plus age of pregnant women presenting periodontal health was between 30-33 years, gingivitis between 18-29 years, periodontitis 34-38 years. There was a relationship between age and periodontal health, gingivitis and periodontitis (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Periodontal health in pregnant women aged 18 to 38 years is less than 10%, with a high presence of gingivitis possibly associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy.


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Author Biographies

Yuleidy Mariví Benavides López, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito Ecuador.

María Isabel Zambrano Gutiérrez, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito Ecuador

Sofía Carolina Santorum Chiriboga, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito Ecuador


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How to Cite

Benavides López, Y. M., Zambrano Gutiérrez, M. I., & Santorum Chiriboga, S. C. (2024). Periodontal health and pregnancy; an approach to the reality of pregnant women in San Antonio de Ibarra. Odontología, 26(1), 66–72.



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