Actitud y conducta sobre higiene oral de estudiantes de odontología ecuatorianos




Attitude, Behavior, Oral hygiene, Habits, Dental students


Oral health is a key element in overall health and well-being of people. We expected that dental students will have a good attitude and behavior toward oral care. We aimed to evaluate the attitude and behavior regarding oral hygiene among dentistry students at public university in Ecuador, during the 2022-2022 period. To achieve this goal, we used the Hiroshima University Dental Behavior Inventory index (HU-DBI) to evaluate 277 students of first to ninth semesters. Between the main findings, we identified that the 57,76% of students had a good attitude and behavior, followed by 41,25% at a regular level and 0,72% at a poor level. Chi-square statistical analysis revealed significant findings among ninth-level students, who had favorable attitudes and behaviors. We conclude that more than 50% of surveyed students demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors. There was not a statistical significance about gender, but we identified a statistical significance relationship with education level, indicating that higher educational levels are associated with better attitudes.


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Author Biographies

David Parra-Rosero, Ecuador Central University

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Darwin Luna-Chonata, Hemisferios University

Universidad Hemisferios, Quito, Ecuador

Ximena Molina-Jaramillo, Ecuador Central University

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

Cecilia Molina-Jaramillo, Ecuador Central University

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Parra-Rosero, D., Luna-Chonata, D., Molina-Jaramillo, X., & Molina-Jaramillo, C. (2025). Actitud y conducta sobre higiene oral de estudiantes de odontología ecuatorianos. Odontología, 27(1), 17–22.



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