Artistic languages and motor skills in the preparatory level of basic education




artistic languages, motor skills, artistic playful experiences, basic functions, preparatory basic education


In the process of pre-professional practices carried out in the educational centers of the pre-school level of Ecuadorian basic general education, difficulties have been evidenced in the development of basic motor skills necessary for learning to read and write. The article is the result of a quasi-experimental study with a control group that proposes to integrate playful experiences with different artistic languages for the development of motor skills in boys and girls between 5 and 6 years old, in six schools located in different urban sectors and peri-urban areas of the city of Quito. It is based on the evaluation based on the test of basic functions taken before and after the application of playful learning experiences that introduce performing, musical and plastic-visual arts, appropriate to the learning objective in the experimentation and control groups of each school, to determine the differences in each group and in their contrast. The initial diagnosis shows a prevalence of more than 50% of students with deficits in motor skills. After the applied process and the post-test evaluation, a reduction of the deficit areas and a better development in the skills of lateral dominance, rhythm and visual-motor coordination is observed in the experimental group compared to the control group. It is concluded that the proposal that combines art and play helps in the development of gross and fine motor skills, necessary for the reading-writing process, observing, in addition, that this process promotes the free and spontaneous expression of children for a better personal and social development.


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How to Cite

Bahamonde-Sola, J., Cando-Vaca, E., & Panchi-Culqui, E. (2021). Artistic languages and motor skills in the preparatory level of basic education. Cátedra, 4(3), 16–34.