Digital narratives as innovative didactic strategies for Initial Education teachers




Meaningful learning, innovative strategies, legends, digital storytelling


The current situation demands that children from very early ages assume impressive educational challenges, technology has become essential in the teaching-learning process. This research work is based on the need to incorporate digital narratives as learning strategies in early childhood education, taking into account that teachers today have been beset by new challenges, as a result of the current situation caused by a post-pandemic. The present work synthesizes the process of creating a proposal framed within the new digital logics of teaching. In the following, we will present 1) a theoretical synthesis that covers the most relevant aspects that support the proposal within the framework of digital narratives and Storytelling, 2) the methodology used, which adopts a mixed paradigm of qualitative-quantitative character shown in the data collection in a delimited sample with the teachers of the Learning Network Nº1, as well as an interview with the Director of the Education District 04D01 San Pedro de Huaca-Tulcán; 4) the results obtained determine that teachers do not apply digital narratives in the teaching-learning process. Thus, to conclude, the creation of a Storytelling Web page (Viviendo el ayer) is highlighted, which consists of tools for the creation of digital narratives and access to the material created for use by teachers. In addition, this page is considered an easy, eye-catching instrument, and through it we intend to generate emotions that provide rewarding experiences to children.


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How to Cite

García-Mera, S., & Silva-Jiménez, M. . (2023). Digital narratives as innovative didactic strategies for Initial Education teachers . Cátedra, 6(2), 18–29.


