¿Son los padres capaces de detectar tempranamente de problemas auditivos de sus hijos?
Hearing loss, Hearing impairment, Hearing loss otoacoustic emissions, AudiometryAbstract
Context: the sense of hearing is essential in the child in learning as speech by imitation and develop socially; there is a significant percentage of children suffering from deafness or hearing loss, 40% of cases being idiopathic or having a genetic, environmental or mixed factor in 60%.
Objective: evaluate parents if they are able to detect early hearing problems in their children Subjects and methods: children between 0 to 18 months and infants aged between 19 and 36 months
Results: the parents detected hypoacusis in 72.7% of children between 0 to 18 months and 93.3% in infants aged between 19 and 36 months; By means of audiometry with evoked potentials, hearing loss can be detected in 70% of children with risk factors in ages between 0 to 18 months and 92.3% in children aged between 19 and 36 months. The use of audiometry with evoked potentials allows discovering hearing loss in children without risk factors in 100% of cases in children under 3 years of age. The aforementioned confirms that parents of children between 18 and 36 months can perceive a hearing loss in children with risk factors in a greater percentage than audiometry, a statistically significant difference; Regarding children aged 0 to 18 months, with and without risk factors and in children from 19 to 36 months with risk factors, audiometry is the gold standard for hearing loss detection.
Conclusion: the parents, with the appropriate training, can detect hearing loss with high precision, in children older than 18 months
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