Exploring Social and Emotional Learning for Better Teaching Practice


  • María del Carmen UCE
  • Nelly Daniela Espinoza Molina
  • Diana Natalia Alvarez Pulupa




SEL, competencies, teachers, students, CASEL


Social and emotional learning (SEL) and its benefits have currently not been sufficiently socialized among teachers, families, and communities. The educational system has mainly focused on some approaches that support cog nitive development, while studies worldwide indicate that the SEL framework promotes students' academic, social, and emotional growth. Therefore, the bibliographical research aims to highlight the importance of SEL and the upsides to integrating it into language learning as part of an interdisciplinary axis through its application in daily life. The approach is qualitative with quantitative support for data analysis, and descriptive research that employed an online survey to col lect data from forty-seven English professors of Instituto Académico de Idiomas (IAI) at Universidad Central del Ecua dor. The results were analyzed through SPSS software. The findings revealed that most instructors were knowledgeable about SEL; however, they wanted to deepen their knowledge about it and how to apply it in their classes. Additionally, it emerged that instructors used indeed few collaborative tasks, but these were not identified as SEL activities. Besides, they were neither sure whether the Institute promotes social projects involving students' participation, nor if SEL is part of the curriculum. Certainly, there is a need to develop different socio-emotional skills in students. Consequently, it is crucial to train teachers on SEL, which may positively impact the acquisition of language skills. Finally, further research and projects are needed to identify whether SEL activities support language learning in Ecuadorian education or not.


Author Biographies

María del Carmen , UCE

María del Carmen Rondal G. Professor of English, certified by Universidad Central del Ecuador in 2008. She has a Master's in Linguistics and Second Language Teaching and is a Certified Translator. She has been teaching English since 2005. Academic Consultant since 2015. Speaker at TESOL Convention 2023. Proposals Reviewer for TESOL 2024. Currently a professor at the IAI-UCE, Teacher-Facilitator and Academic Sub-coordinator in the Ecuador Habla Inglés Program at EIL Ecuador on behalf of the American Embassy. She is an educator, researcher and entrepreneur.

Nelly Daniela Espinoza Molina

Nelly Daniela Espinoza Molina. Universidad Central del EcuadorMaster in Linguistics and Didactics of Foreign Languages. Her 20-year teaching career has primarily involved teaching English as a foreign language. She has been working in higher education in both public and private institutions. Currently, she is a professor at the Instituto Académico de Idiomas at Universidad Central del Ecuador where she is dedicated to teaching English and doing official translations.

Diana Natalia Alvarez Pulupa

Diana Natalia Alvarez Pulupa Professor at “Universidad Central del Ecuador”, with 17 years of comprehensive teaching experience spanning children, adolescents, and university students. My journey includes nearly a decade of teaching at the university level, where I have guided students towards intellectual excellence and personal development. My academic qualifications, which include a Master's degree in Linguistics and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching, along with a Master's degree in Educational Psychology, equip me with a profound understanding of pedagogical strategies and learning dynamics. My commitment to education is underscored by my deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Rondal Guanotasig, M. del C., Espinoza Molina, N. D., & Alvarez Pulupa, D. N. (2024). Exploring Social and Emotional Learning for Better Teaching Practice. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 5(1), 62–72. https://doi.org/10.29166/kronos.v5i1.5417

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