Principles of Andragogy and English Language Teaching in Ecuadorian Higher Education
Principles of Andragogy, English language teaching, English language learning, Mixed MethodsAbstract
English language proficiency in Ecuadorian higher education is related to the efficient use of technological tools and equipment, self-instruction, access to information, and social interaction for the personal, academic, or profes sional purposes of learners. The objective of the present study was to explain the influence of the Andragogy Principles application on proficiency in the English language. The research was carried out under the pragmatic paradigm, mixed methods design, quantitative-qualitative approach, and descriptive-explanatory scope in language centers of third-lev el educational institutions of the Higher Education System in Ecuador. The participants included were legally enrolled students and legally hired teachers. The research was divided into two stages: First, during the quantitative stage, the online questionnaire PALS consisting of 40 items was applied to determine if the principles of andragogy were known and used; in addition, the online SET test was aimed to establish the English language proficiency of participants. The most outstanding results were: a teacher-centered model and low to very low levels of English language proficiency of the students. Second, in the qualitative stage, teachers were con-vened in several discussion groups, along which it was evident that the social actors (teachers) showed limited knowledge regarding the fundamentals of teaching and learning processes, Principles of Andragogy, students’ characteristics, and teaching methods and strategies. After the triangulation, it was concluded that teachers did not apply the princi-ples of andragogy, which could be considered an outstanding factor for the level present-ed by the participants; in addition, it was established that the characteristics of the students were not considered but a workbook as the base when planning syllabi or lessons, and it reinforce the concept a teach er-centered model limiting the student high-level proficiency.
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