Artificial Intelligence

Its influence on EFL lessons in Higher Education


  • Nelly Daniela Espinoza Molina
  • Wellintong Segundo Intriago Alcivar
  • Angel Modesto Suing Nagua
  • Juan Cerafin Velasquez Tonato



EFL Professors, AI Pros and Cons, AI Resources, English Lessons, Higher Education


Lately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a milestone in educational issues, hence it has spread out to promote self-learning in the academic world. Undoubtedly, AI has brought many advantages although it might reduce the learners' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Concordantly, the main purpose of this research was to ana lyze the pros and cons of using AI in English as a foreign language. Thus, sixty-nine professors from three universities in Ecuador participated in this research. A ten-question survey was applied to know how AI has been implemented into EFL classes. Google Forms was the tool used to collect the information and opinions provided by interviewers. Quan titative and descriptive methods were applied to carry out this study, and the data was analyzed through Likert scale charts. Closed questions were structured to assess university professors' knowledge about AI. The results showed that not all professors had used AI in English classes; most of them stated that some technological resources could be useful alternatives to improve the teaching practice while others highlighted that AI might bring drawbacks since human in teractions may be reduced. Furthermore, EFL professors listed technological resources such as Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Hello Talk, ChatGPT, Grammarly, Google Board, Talkpal, and Speech Ace, which can be used to enhance EFL lessons. Based on the survey results, professors state there are upsides and downsides when using AI in EFL classes. Neverthe less, they highlight that applying any technological tools should be focused on the EFL learners’ language acquisition.


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Author Biographies

Nelly Daniela Espinoza Molina,

Universidad Central del Ecuador (Ecuador)

Wellintong Segundo Intriago Alcivar,

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE (Ecuador)

Angel Modesto Suing Nagua

Universidad Central del Ecuador (Ecuador)

Juan Cerafin Velasquez Tonato

Unidad Educativa Salcedo (Ecuador)


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How to Cite

Espinoza Molina, N. D., Intriago Alcivar, W. S., Suing Nagua, A. M., & Velasquez Tonato, J. C. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: Its influence on EFL lessons in Higher Education. Kronos – The Language Teaching Journal, 5(1), 93–106.