Environmental economic assessment, biomass and carbon production of an andean native, forest in front of eucalyptus globulus and pinus patula forest plantations, in the province of Loja

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Teresa Alejandra Palacios Cabrera, MSc.
Sonia Elizabeth Chamorro Armas, MSc.
James Jaramillo


In the research carried out on the environmental economic valuation, biomass and carbon production of a native forest in the city of Loja, a comparison was made with forest plantations of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus Patula; Through a study it was possible to determine that native Andean forests have an economic environmental value of 77,783.4 USD/ha, which is higher than forest plantations that have 46344.1 USD/ha and 45,471.9 USD/ha. On the other hand, it was also found that biomass production is clearly higher in forest plantations than in native forests (E. globulus 492.59 tons/ha, P. patula 333.8 tons/ha and Native forests 151, 91 t/ha), with amounts that exceed more than 50% and which is also reflected in carbon storage, since forest plantations have higher biomass production also retain more carbon (E. globulus with 246, 30 ton/ha, P. patula with 166.93 Forest and Andean 75.96 tons/ha).


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How to Cite
Palacios Cabrera, T. A., Chamorro Armas, S. E., & Jaramillo, J. (2019). Environmental economic assessment, biomass and carbon production of an andean native, forest in front of eucalyptus globulus and pinus patula forest plantations, in the province of Loja. FIGEMPA: Investigación Y Desarrollo, 7(1), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.29166/revfig.v1i1.1801
Author Biographies

Teresa Alejandra Palacios Cabrera, MSc., Central University of Ecuador

Relevant teaching experience at the central university of Ecuador, in subjects such as environmental impact assessment, renewable energy, environmental design, cleaner production, integral solid waste management, environmental management mitigation of climate change, Clean Development Mechanism as coordinator of the National CDM authority of the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador among the main activities developed were: evaluation, monitoring and monitoring of the different activities of projects, renewable energy, energy efficiency, transport, waste management among others.

Experience in evaluating environmental impact studies, management plans and environmental audits expert in inventories of greenhouse gas emissions according to the IPCC methodology.
Expert accredited to the council of the judiciary in chemical engineering and environmental impacts 1829880 until August 31, 2020.


Sonia Elizabeth Chamorro Armas, MSc., Central University of Ecuador

Professor at the Faculty of Engineering in Geology, Mines, Petroleum and Environmental. Ecuador

James Jaramillo, Empresa Metro de Quito. Quito, Ecuador

Funcionario Metro de Quito. Ecuador


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