Ecuador as an aftosa fever free-country. Opportunities and challenges

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Francisco Gutiérrez León


Ecuador was declared an aftosa fever free-country in 2015 by the World Animal Health Organization. This is a mandatory requirement for exportation purposes of meat and milk products. The milk production in the country has been increasing progresively along the last decade. According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (INEC), in the year 2012 the national milk production was 5, 675,067 liters per day. On the other hand, the national milk consumption per inhabitant is 100 liters per year in 2015, data obtained from the Federacion Panamericana de Lecheria (FEPALE). As a result of this, an spread has been created between the milk supply and demand market forces. From the supply perspective, there is an over production of milk in specific months of the year. As for the demand, the national consumption per inhabitant is relatively low comparing to the international standard given by the FEPALE and the World Health Organization of 150 liters per inhabitant per year.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez León, F. (2015). Ecuador as an aftosa fever free-country. Opportunities and challenges. Siembra, 2(1), 39–43.
Artículos originales. Ciencias pecuarias
Author Biography

Francisco Gutiérrez León, Central University of Ecuador

Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad Central del Ecuador.


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