Evaluation of risk factors affecting mortality in broiler chickens during the farm- laughterhouse transfer process in the northern center of the inter-Andine region
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Millions of broiler chickens are transported annually from farms to the laughterhouse along the way, chickens are exposed to a wide variety of stressors such as food restriction, capture and transport, which affect animal welfare and cause live weight losses to death, which economically impacts activity. The objective of this study was to assess risk factors affecting fattening chicken mortality during transport to the laughterhouse, based on observations and analysis of a sample of 60 trucks with various destinations in the country. The average mortality rate in the study was 1.6 per 1000 chickens, whose highest impact variables on mortality during transport were the boarding temperature, causing a 3.4% increase in mortality per 1oC in temperature compared to base mortality; and, the age of the chickens at the time of shipment that caused a 17% increase in mortality for each additional day of stay on the farm, relative to the base mortality rate. In conclusion, mortality during fishing was increased in older broiler chickens, as well as by decreased temperature at the time of shipment. These identified risk factors can be used to refine management practices to mitigate some of the risk of fattening chicken mortality during transportation.
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