Nitrogen use efficiency in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) in volcanic soils of Chimborazo, Ecuador
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Chimborazo province is one of Ecuador's main potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production areas, where crop nutrition management is a key factor limiting yield. This study aimed to determine the Nitrogen Use Efficiency (UEN) and the Nitrogen (N) rates needed to achieve yield goals for the Superchola and INIAP-Natividad potato varieties. Field experiments were conducted using a split-plot design with three replicates in two potato growing areas (Cortijo Bajo and Chañag) of Chimborazo province in Ecuador, from May to November 2016. The variables evaluated were total plant N recovery and total tuber yields, which were used to calculate Nitrogen Agronomic Efficiency (AEN) and the N fertilizer rates needed to reach the yield goals for these potato varieties. Results indicated that the increase in potato yield consistently diminished as N fertilizer rates increased, with a clear quadratic function response for the two varieties. The AEN for the Superchola variety ranged from 130 to 160 kg of tuber kg-1 of applied N, while the AEN for the INIAP-Natividad variety ranged from 120 to 150 kg of tuber kg-1 of applied N. These values determined the N fertilizer rates required to achieve the yield goals in the following potato production cycle for the fertilizer recommendation domain: 120 kg-1 N ha-1 and 80 kg-1 N ha-1 for Superchola, and 80 and 110 kg-1 N ha-1 for INIAP-Natividad in Cortijo Bajo and Chañag, respectively. The study concluded that calculating the AEN effectively adjusts N fertilization recommendations for potato crops under the soil and climatic conditions studied.
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