Meta-analysis of the effect of the use of anti-GnRH vaccine on productive performance and carcass quality in pigs

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Debra Andrea Trujillo-Torres
Eduardo Fabián Aragón-Vásquez
Renán Patricio Mena-Pérez
Jimmy Rolando Quisirumbay-Gaibor


Surgical castration has been a common practice in pigs to prevent boar taint, however, it affects animal welfare. Immunocastration has been used as an alternative approach; it involves the administration of a vaccine that stimulates the production of antibodies directed against the GnRH hormone. This induces a temporary inhibition of testicular function accompanied by the release of steroids known to generate the characteristic boar taint odor. Substantial published information documents the utilization of this intervention, yielding variable outcomes for productive performance. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the application of the anti-GnRH vaccine on productive performance and carcass quality in pigs. Sixteen meta-analyses were performed to determine the effect size, with two types of control groups (castrated and entire males), from 45 scientific articles (3,685 repetitions) under a random effects model. Results show that the utilization of the anti-GnRH vaccine significantly improved daily feed intake [DFI] (-78.78 g day-1, p = 0.00028), feed conversion [FC] (-168.54 g kg-1, p < 0.00001), feed efficiency [FE] (+35.58 g kg-1, p < 0.00001) and lean percentage (+1.3%, p < 0.00001), in comparison with surgically castrated males. Control non-castrated pigs presented superior outcomes for all variables analyzed, except for daily weight gain (+32.67 g day-1, p = 0.00005), which was favored by the use of the vaccine. It is concluded that the use of the anti-GnRH vaccine favors productive performance (DFI, FC and FE) compared to surgically castrated pigs, but not versus entire pigs.


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How to Cite
Trujillo-Torres, D. A., Aragón-Vásquez, E. F., Mena-Pérez, R. P., & Quisirumbay-Gaibor, J. R. (2025). Meta-analysis of the effect of the use of anti-GnRH vaccine on productive performance and carcass quality in pigs. Siembra, 12(1), e7219.
Review article
Author Biographies

Debra Andrea Trujillo-Torres, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Av. Universitaria, 170129. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Eduardo Fabián Aragón-Vásquez, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Av. Universitaria, 170129. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Renán Patricio Mena-Pérez, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Av. Universitaria, 170129. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador

Jimmy Rolando Quisirumbay-Gaibor, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria. Av. Universitaria, 170129. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador


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