Clinical crown augumentation by guided planning.




Sonrisa gingival, gingivectomía, osteotomía, osteoplastia, guía quirúrgica, estética periodontal


Show the technique for surgical guide’s fabrication and their effectiveness in periodontal esthetic procedures. In this paper being discussed a case of a gummy smile caused by an altered passive eruption, where a gingivectomy, osteotomy and osteoplasty were performed using a surgical guide based in complementary exams, including tomography and digital models, that   increase the predictability of the surgical procedure to contribute with information like exact measurements that allow respecting the biological distances in order to seek long-term stability. The stability of the tissues was evidenced in postoperative controls after 15 days and 6 months. Surgery guides increase the predictability of periodontal procedures the provide superlative security for their execution. Guides are important tools and make part of a good planification.


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How to Cite

Proaño Miñaca, L. ., Reyes Landeta, J., Camacho Regalado, D. ., & Medina Vega, M. (2022). Clinical crown augumentation by guided planning. Odontología, 24(2), 30–36.