Oral health education program for older adults
oral health promotion, elderly, oral health promotion, elderly, prevention, theater play, theater playAbstract
Introduction: There are several oral health promotion strategies in older adults who have not been shown to be effective in increasing knowledge. Objetive: To assess the impact of a play with a focus on health promotion and oral health knowledge in older adults in a day care center and two long term care centers in 2019. Materials and Methods: Community intervention (before-after) using theater as an educational strategy. Study population: 100 adults ≥60 years, residing in two long term care centers in Mexico City and attendees to a day care center in Toluca City. The purpose of the play "Prevention is better than regret" was to increase knowledge of oral hygiene, causes of halitosis and caries. Evaluation was performed in two stages. In the LTCC, the impact was assessed seven days later and in the DCC, immediately after the intervention. A baseline evaluation was performed in both centers. Descriptive analysis and Wilcoxon test were carried out. Results: The total number of participants was 100 older adults. The mean age was 75.5 ± 9.2 years, 81% women. In the DCC and the LTCC, there was a positive increase in knowledge about flossing (61.9% to 88.1%, p<0.001; 55.1% to 81.0%, p<0.001 respectively), type of toothbrush (38.1% to 59.5%, p=0.012; 37.9% to 55.1%, p<0.001 respectively), appropriate time to change toothbrush (54.7% to 76.1%, p=0.012; 44.8% to 67.2%, p=0.002, respectively) and "location of dental caries" (26.1% to 42.8%, p.0.008; 25.8% to 44.8%, p.0.016 respectively). Conclusion: Positive changes were observed in a short term of oral health knowledge. It is recommended that this educational approach be promoted in the older adult population.
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