Fracture resistance of nanohybrid resin with Zirconia particles vs Bulk Fill resin in pediatric crowns with acetate matrix. In vitro study




Fracture Resistance, Bulk Fill Resin, Nanohybrid Resin with Zirconia Particles, Pediatric Crowns, Celluloid Matrix Crowns


The success of treatment in primary teeth with extensive loss of tooth structure lies in the correct selection of biomaterials with aesthetic and mechanical characteristics suitable to withstand occlusal forces during physiological movements. Objective: To compare the fracture resistance of nanohybrid resin with zirconia particles vs Bulk Fill resin in pediatric crowns with acetate matrix. Methodology: Experimental in vitro study with a sample of 20 crowns with anterior acetate matrices filled with nanohybrid resin with zirconia particles and Bulk Fill resin, adapted to an ivorine die of 3.5mm vestibulolingual, 4mm mesiodistal and 4mm cervicoincisal dimensions. Once the acetate crowns were filled, seated and excesses were removed, they were polymerized for 40 seconds on each side, then removed and taken to the incubator immersed in isotonic solution for 24 hours at 37ºC, finally the resistance to fracture was evaluated in the universal testing machine with values in Newtons. The results of the Shapiro Wilk analysis showed normal distribution, using the t student test to evaluate the difference of means. Results: The crowns elaborated with nanohybrid resin with zirconia particles obtained a higher average fracture resistance of 696.610N, compared to the value presented by the crowns elaborated with Bulk Fill resin of 513.814N with a significance p:0.011. Conclusions: The fracture resistance of the crowns was statistically higher in the group of crowns elaborated with nanohybrid resin with zirconia particles compared to the crowns elaborated with Bulk Fill resin. 



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Author Biographies

Jairo Sebastián García González, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador

María Teresa Salazar Garcés, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador


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How to Cite

García González, J. S., & Salazar Garcés, M. T. (2025). Fracture resistance of nanohybrid resin with Zirconia particles vs Bulk Fill resin in pediatric crowns with acetate matrix. In vitro study. Odontología, 27(1), 7–16.



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