Comparison of fracture resistance between rotary and reciprocating instruments with thermal treatment at different curvatures




Shape memory alloys, Heat treatment, flexural strength


Introduction: In the area of ​​endodontics, the choice of instruments for performing root canal treatment arises from the need to know the characteristics of new instruments such as their resistance to fracture, bending and torsion, even more so when the canals are curved, which has led commercial companies to develop a number of files with new techniques and different treatments to improve their performance and efficiency. Objective: The objective of this study was to test the fracture resistance between rotary and reciprocating instruments with heat treatment at different curvatures: 45°, 60° and 90°. Methodology: In vitro, descriptive, comparative experimental research carried out between two types of instruments: rotary, files of Chinese origin, Fanta 25.06 (3 files at 45°, 3 files at 60° and 3 files at 90°) and VDW 25.06 reciprocating files of German origin with heat treatment: Reciproc blue 25.08 and Fanta blue AF R3 25.06 files (3 files at 45°, 3 files at 60° and 3 files at 90°) in a metal gutter of simulated roots at 45°, 60°, and 90° degrees, was made from 36 Nickel-Titanium files mentioned above. To compare the fracture resistance with the use of an X-Smart Plus motor, obtaining data on the time at which the instrument fractured, revolutions per minute and the area in which the file fractured. The Kruskall Wallis test was used for comparisons, with a 95% confidence level and processed using the BioEstat statistical program version 5.3.


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Author Biographies

Pricila Estefania Moya Nuñez, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador; Quito; Ecuador

Paola Daniela Hidalgo Araujo, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador; Quito; Ecuador


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How to Cite

Moya Nuñez, P. E., & Hidalgo Araujo, P. D. (2025). Comparison of fracture resistance between rotary and reciprocating instruments with thermal treatment at different curvatures. Odontología, 27(Especial), 42–46.



Scientific article