Android application to foster Kichwa language learning


  • Anabel Pilicita Garrido Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Diana Cevallos Duque Universidad de la Plata



android, application, learning, culture, Kichwa


Kichwa is one of the main pillars of ancestral people in Latin America and is part of a national culture. This language in Ecuador is recognized as an official language by the Constitution and the Organic Law on Intercultural Education (LOEI). Kichwa is spoken by several communities of the inter-Andean communities; however, the knowledge has been transmitted in Spanish. This article proposes the development of an application with Android operating system to establish an interactive learning guide of the Kichwa language in Ecuador. Today people are very familiar with the use of mobile devices especially with smartphones; applications are developed for different purposes and can be purchased by users depending on their requirements, becoming a highly used digital tool by both students and teachers for their accessibility and intelligent environment. The purpose is to channel these technological guidelines to prioritize cultures, ancestral knowledge, customs and community values. Language as a historical, social and cultural element contributes to the reaffirmation of identity, so on the basis of documentary research information will be determined to develop mobile applications, this will allow a direct dialogue between the technology and the socio-cultural environment.


Download data is not yet available.


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2019-09-27 — Updated on 2020-09-03


How to Cite

Pilicita Garrido, A., & Cevallos Duque, D. (2020). Android application to foster Kichwa language learning. Cátedra, 2(3), 54–68. (Original work published September 27, 2019)