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Inclusion in times of pandemic: The advantages and difficulties of virtual education for students with functional diversity


  • Carmen López-Álvarez Universidad de Puerto Rico



universal design, functional diversity, virtual education, inclusion, pandemic


By the second half of March 2020, the leaders of many nations took drastic measures - isolation, closures and curfews - to stop the covid-19.  One of the sectors most affected by these decisions was education: from preschool to university level. Faced with the cancellation of face-to-face classes, university institutions -prepared or not- opted for virtual education in order to save their finances and avoid student desertion. In spite of the difficulty of its implementation in the classroom, this modality has become very popular. This research arises from the need to examine the advantages and difficulties of virtual education for both typical students (those who do not have difficulties) and those who have some impediment during these last months. Likewise, the impact -favorable or adverse- of virtual education on the inclusion of students with functional diversity will be analyzed.  Throughout this article, definitions such as virtual education, impairment, functional diversity, inclusion, reasonable accommodation/modification, and universal design will be provided. Finally, recommendations for incorporating universal design into online courses and what the future of education looks like in times of pandemic will be offered.


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How to Cite

López-Álvarez, C. (2022). Inclusion in times of pandemic: The advantages and difficulties of virtual education for students with functional diversity . Cátedra, 5(1), 131–145.



Challenges of virtual education