Fire is a set of particles or incandescent molecules of combustible matter, capable of emitting visible light, product of a chemical reaction of violent oxidation. From this conceptualization, primitive man discovered how to ignite the fire, beating the darkness and the cold, feeling fascinated by his strength and power. We dance around the fire invoking invincible spirits, gather in a circle around a bonfire, sit in front of a chimney on a winter night, are rites that relate to the ancestral attraction of fire, its belonging only to the gods, Until Prometheus stole the Holy Flame and gave it to the men. Many religions associate fire with the divine, symbol of change, purification and sacrifice. It is also a magical symbol of traditional cosmogony in the west and from the Andean Cosmovision it belongs to Inti (Sun), linked to the spiritual world, the future and the refined vital energy that allows the earth to rise to the mountains, to the sky, basic giver of energy in the form of light and heat. Humanity took a big leap in its evolution when it was able to generate and control its own fire (food, metallurgy, heat, etc.), which illuminates, purifies, fertilizes and transmutess (destroys something and uses its energy to generate another thing). It applies not only to matter, but also to the most dense emotions (anger, extreme fear, hatred, resentment, envy, jealousy, violence). If we work with a deep intent, from the soul, it can help us to transmute those negative feelings in love, whatever their form, because it is closely linked to the sacred fire that shines in our hearts, helping us to achieve the vision and Purpose of our life. Therefore, FIGEMPA contributes to the development of science and industry, in the country and in the world, with the training of highly trained and ethically committed professionals in the use and responsible management of natural and energetic resources.

Published: 2017-06-01

Modeling and numerical simulation of oil transportation by the transecuadorian oil pipeline

Hernán Guillermo Benalcázar Gómez, Guillermo Alexis Albuja Proaño, Iván Christian Naula Reina, René Alfonso Carrillo Flores, Carlos Fabián Izurieta Cabrera

22 - 30

How do you pass of the practice community to learning community?

Jorge Daniel Ortiz Herrera, Lena Lilibeth Flores González, Gisela Torres Martínez, Ximena de los Ángeles Escobar Pazmiño

49 - 55