Siembra is the official scientific diffusion tool of Central University of Ecuador’s (UCE) ‘Life Sciences’ Area. It publishes every six months (two issues per year), in continuous flow, the results of multidisciplinary scientific and technological research in the following fields:

- Agricultural sciences including but not limited to plant production and health, agricultural engineering, soil sciences, entomology, forestry, agroforestry, agroindustry, food science and technology, agricultural economics, rural sociology, rural development, food systems, agroecology, regenerative agriculture, and agro-tourism.

- Livestock sciences including but not limited to animal production, animal sciences, animal health and welfare, veterinary medicine, and public health.

- Biological and environmental sciences including but not limited to ecology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning studies, natural resource management, ecosystem transitions, ecosystem services, ecological resilience, environment-society relations, climate change, land use in natural systems, geography and territory, and ecotourism.

Siembra is jointly edited by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, and the Faculty of Biological Sciences of Central University of Ecuador (UCE).

Siembra receives unpublished articles, whether original or review articles, as well as bibliographic reviews and opinion articles. The articles published in Siembra are the result of an exhaustive selection process, which includes the Editorial Committee in the first instance and peer review (double-blind), carried out by national and international specialists.

Siembra is an Open Access journal with a non-profit publishing model to preserve the scholarly and open nature of scientific communication or Diamond Open Access.

Siembra DOES NOT charge authors any fees for article submission, processing or publication (No apply Article Processing Charge - Non-APC).

Siembra is an online journal since 2019.

ISSN (online): 2477-8850 / ISSN (print): 1390-8928 (until 2018)

DOI: 10.29166/siembra

Indexed by SciELO, REDALYC, REDIB, CAB Abstracts, ERIH-PLUS, DOAJ, LATINDEX 2.0., DIALNET, among others regional and international scientific databases.

Welcome to the new members of Siembra's Editorial Board


Siembra is pleased to welcome the new members of the Editorial Board:

- María Eugenia Ávila Salem, Ph.D., Universidad Central del Ecuador

- Juan Carlos Caballero Salinas, Ph.D., Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, México

- Pablo Enrique Cornejo Rivas, Ph.D., Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Fruticultura (CEAF) / Centro de Recursos Hídricos para la Agricultura y Minería (CRHIAM), Chile

- Katherin Arlet Solis Lufí, Ph.D., Proyecto GEF Conservación de Humedales Costeros de la zona Centro sur de Chile, Chile

Experts with a broad academic and scientific background who will enhance the areas of agricultural, livestock, and biological and environmental sciences of Siembra.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Jorge Eduardo Grijalva Olmedo for his active participation as a member of the Editorial Board until December 2024.

Vol. 12 No. 1 (2025)

Photo: Asociación de Exportadores de Banano del Ecuador - AEBE


Editors of Dossier: 

- Elisa Quiala Mendoza, Ph.D., Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, (INIAP), Ecuador

- Danilo Isaac Vera Coello, Ph.D., Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, (INIAP), Ecuador

- Antonio Javier Bustamante González, Ph.D.AGROTECBAN, Ecuador

- Freddy A. Magdama Tobar, Ph.D., Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador

- Diego Ricardo Villaseñor Ortiz, Ph.D., Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador

- Karla Elizabeth Garcés Encalada, M.Sc., BIOINSUMOSECUAODR SAS, Ecuador

- Paúl Vera Gilces, Econ., Observatorio Estadístico de Banano de la Asociación de Exportadores de Banano del Ecuador

Published: 2025-01-06

Assessment of scenarios for intensifying pasture management and grazing in fragile micro-watersheds of high Andean mountains

Jorge Eduardo Grijalva Olmedo, Paola Mercedes Palate Moreta, Roy Roger Vera-Vélez, Raúl Armando Ramos Veintimilla, Jean-François Tourrand, Arnulfo Portilla Narváez


Effects of COVID-19 on pea farmers, a case study in the department of Nariño, Colombia

Housseman Steven Ramos-Zambrano, Marcela Elizabeth Riascos-Delgado, Jeisson Rodríguez-Valenzuela, Alcira María Delgado-Sánchez, Álvaro Mauricio Cadena-Pastrana


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    e-ISSN : 2477-8850

    ISSN: 1390-8928