Renewable energy and the tourism sector. Innovations towards sustainability

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Xavier Bolívar Lastra-Bravo
Juan Gabriel Coloma Martínez
Dennise Espinosa Jarrín
Fernando Herrera Ronquillo


Fossil fuels consumption has caused severe environmental impacts worldwide, mainly by the greenhouse gasses emissions which have led into of climate change. Therefore, the latest decades clean energies of renewable energy resources have been boosted. These energies are characterized by lower greenhouse gasses emissions, direct increase in the cost savings and problems supply and fuel storage reduction. By its growing importance in the national economy, Tourism represents a sector with great potential for implementing clean technologies as well as energy savings measures that leads to greater energy efficiency. In this manuscript, the possibilities of renewable energy use from several sources in the tourism sector are analysed. First, the renewable energy prominence at present is analysed. Then the main figures of tourism in Ecuador are briefly shown. Finally, bibliographic information on the different renewable energy sources that could be applied in the tourism sector in Ecuador and the measures to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities is summarized.


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How to Cite
Lastra-Bravo, X. B., Coloma Martínez, J. G., Espinosa Jarrín, D., & Herrera Ronquillo, F. (2015). Renewable energy and the tourism sector. Innovations towards sustainability. Siembra, 2(1), 86–94.


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