Water in communal territories: irrigation management in the Javita river valley, Santa Elena province
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This work was proposed to analyze the management of irrigation in the Javita River Valley, Province of Santa Elena, in the context of the implementation of the San Vicente Chongón Transfer. The work was done with participatory methods, gathering information from a sample of farmers in the area. The effects of the Chongón San Vicente water transfer were insufficient in terms of efficiency, relevance, institutional environment, social, cultural, and environmental aspects, according to the opinion of the participants. As case studies, five types of production systems were analyzed. In all cases, the income from extra-farm activities is higher than that obtained from agricultural activities. The agricultural production systems that obtain the best income are those dedicated exclusively to crops under irrigation. The research determines as a guiding framework that: the organization of irrigation is done by family groups; administration, operation and maintenance are allowed by the irrigation boards; the distribution of water is carried out according to the need of the crops; the method of application is drip; the installation depends on the water saving; the crops are preferably short and transient cycle; and, the destination of the production is oriented to the regional or national market. For irrigation to become a dynamic element of the local economy, infrastructure works are not enough. It is essential that the government invest in an inclusive, equitable and efficient rural development program.
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