Application of vegetable indices (red band and near infrared) in avocado and orchards
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Avocado is a traditional fruit in the diet of Ecuadorians and requires proper crop handling to guarantee high production. Implementations of new technological alternatives such as spectroscopy indexes that correlating each other will allow optimize avocado crop management. This research validated the use of red band and near infrared-based plant indices with leaf nitrogen content. The plant indices used were normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) and transformed vegetation index (TVI). These indexes were developed from two orthomosaics obtaining images that capture red and near infrared bands. Regression and correlation analysis were performed between the vegetable indices and the foliar nitrogen content analysis, generating R² values of 0.93 for NDVI, and 0.95 for TVI. The values of the plant indexes can be used to estimate plant vigor based on the nitrogen content of the foliar area.
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