Green areas and trees composition of the urban zone of the municipality of Portoviejo, province of Manabí, Ecuador
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In Portoviejo, the dynamics of green spaces establishment has been similar to other cities in the world, with successful introduction of exotic trees to create parks or squares that provide important benefits to the population. This research was carried out in the municipality of Portoviejo, province of Manabí, in the urban parishes of 12 de marzo, 18 de octubre, San Pablo, Francisco Pacheco, Portoviejo, Picoazá, Simón Bolívar, Andrés de Vera and Colón. In these parishes, the existing green areas and the urban trees were evaluated, and the components that fulfill the important ecological and environmental functions were identified. We obtained dasometric information of the trees found in parks, green squares and boulevards, together with calculation of the green area (m2) and a global map of the urban green area of the municipality. The study was done in collaboration with the Portoparques EP company belonging to the municipality of Portoviejo. Visits to each of the parks, plazas and boulevards allowed us to carry out a forest inventory of the 50 green areas that are wooded. It was determined that Albizia guachapele (Kunth) Dugand and Tamarindus indica L. with 17.87 % and 13.04 % of trees, respectively, were the most frequent species; while, Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman and Cecropia peltata L. with 0.38% of trees were the less important species. The urban green index of Portoviejo of 4,92 m2 inhab-1 found in this study, is lower than the recommended by World Health Organization that is 9 m2 inhab-1.
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