Vitis vinifera, a case of study at Chaupi Estancia, Pichincha province

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Andrea Belén Santander Racines
Estefanía Melisa Rodríguez Santos
Carlos David Toapanta Custode
Ricardo Andrés Suárez Carrillo


Vitis vinifera is a variety of vine (grape plant), suitable for wine making, which has existed before mankind and has been linked to society for a long time. There are records of it uses in the bible and in ancient Rome, where a golden wine was made without distinguishing grape varieties. It is necessary to produce fruit of good quality, to produce good wines; the vine needs certain levels of light and heat, because excessive temperatures can negatively affect its production. The optimal conditions for the plant are areas where the winter is cold enough for them to dormancy. That is why most grapevines are in latitudes around the globe that provide the adequate amount of sunlight, warmth and water, specially between parallel 30º and 50º, both north and south. However, contrary to these theories, in Ecuador (parallel 0º) vines and wines of excellent quality can be produced. This article research about the above-mentioned in Yaruquí, a rural parish of Quito, Pichincha province. The area has one vineyard called Chaupi Estancia, where field observation research was conducted to obtain data on the varieties of strains that grow in the area, in spite of its climate. Additionally, important information on the volume of production in the plants was evidenced, along with data on the effects of the sun, considering the location of the farm (parallel 0º), on the pigmentation of the grapes, especially in white types, which gives a different color to the wines, and has a strong influence in the sweetness (sugar content), that determine the peculiar flavors of wines.


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How to Cite
Santander Racines, A. B., Rodríguez Santos, E. M., Toapanta Custode, C. D., & Suárez Carrillo, R. A. (2022). Vitis vinifera, a case of study at Chaupi Estancia, Pichincha province. Siembra, 9(2), e3731.
VII CONGRETUR 2021 - Tourism Changes and Challenges
Author Biographies

Andrea Belén Santander Racines, Instituto Universitario Rumiñahui. Av Atahualpa 1701 y 8 de febrero. CP. 171103. Sangolquí, Pichincha, Ecuador

Estefanía Melisa Rodríguez Santos, Instituto Universitario Rumiñahui. Av Atahualpa 1701 y 8 de febrero. CP. 171103. Sangolquí, Pichincha, Ecuador

Carlos David Toapanta Custode, Instituto Universitario Rumiñahui. Av Atahualpa 1701 y 8 de febrero. CP. 171103. Sangolquí, Pichincha,Ecuador

Ricardo Andrés Suárez Carrillo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Vicente León. Belisario Quevedo 501 y Gral. Maldonado. CP. 050103. Latacunga, Cotopaxi, Ecuador


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