Characterization of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) production systems in the Tepec-Xomolth Nature Reserve, Madriz, Nicaragua
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This study characterizes coffee production systems (Coffea arabica L.) in the Tepec-Xomolth La Patasta Natural Reserve with an emphasis on socioeconomic, productive, agronomic and phytosanitary aspects. Our research team visited 94 local coffee producing farms and carried out a descriptive, non-experimental, quantitative research by collecting data through the use of a survey questionnaire, whose variables were subject to descriptive analysis and correlation. The producers part of this study were predominantly males, ranging between 20 to 78 years of age, dedicated to agriculture, and with a low literacy level (elementary education). The present research identified 10 varieties of coffee, Catimor being the most diffuse. However, yellow Catuaí occupied the largest cultivated areas. Both the age of the plantation, and the established areas are determinants of the crop-yields obtained. In the three communities surveyed (El Pegador, Nueva Esperanza y Buena Vista) sale prices ranged from 45 to 140 US dollars, and the main management practices implemented were contour lines, terracing, cover crops, formation pruning, reseeding, and sanitation pruning. The main diseases that affected coffee cultivation were Rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & B), Iron stain (Cercospora coffeicola, (Berk & Curt) and Ojo de gallo (Mycena citricolor, Berk), which were all controlled through synthetic chemical management.
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